Cover Illustration for The New Yorker, November 1947
"It was very cold and next day snow began to fall, turning pinnacles into wedding cake decorations. The examination was held in the Hall of Oriel, and we all wrote in greatcoats and mufflers, and at the least, our left-handed gloves. The Provost, old Phelps, gave out the papers. I remember very little about them, but I suppose I was outshone in pure classics by many of my rivals and I had the impression I was doing very badly."
- C.S. Lewis, from Surprised by Joy - The Shape of my Early Life
I love the mental image of this quote. My college experience was not exactly like Lewis's Oxford days, but the description reminds me of my years at UNL and the countless Art History classes I took at Richard's Hall on that long-established midwestern campus in Lincoln. The dark windowless lower-level rooms with a slide projector at the back, and a large white vinyl screen at the front with an ancient pulpit-type podium. The desks were old, made of wood, and smelled of linseed oil. I loved everything about that room. I will never forget Dr. Spence. At the time, he was close to retirement..seemed very aged, but his knowledge of American Romanticism was astounding. He was the Professor who introduced to me to The Hudson River School and after that, I was hooked. After class, one would emerge from the darkness to the upper floor of the building as the bright Nebraska sun sharply illuminated the stained glass. I walked by the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery as the snow lightly danced on the grass, and knew at that moment I wanted to be in no other place.. sigh, I miss that.
"Hence while friendship has been by far the chief source of my happiness, acquaintance and general society has always meant very little to me, and I cannot quite understand why a man should wish to know more people than he can make real friends of." - C.S. Lewis, from Surprised by Joy
"Walking and talking are two great pleasures, but it is a mistake to combine them. Our own noise blots out all the sounds and silences of the outdoor world." - From Surprised by Joy by C.S. Lewis
"An artist discovers his genius the day he dares not to please." - Andre Malraux
I'm all about raccoons. We have had a family of them living off and on under our shed for close to ten years. We believe it is the same family because the patriarch has a bob tail and we see him from time-to-time either alone, or with a buddy. We have had everything from babies playing in the sprinkler, to mating pairs, and curious visitors on our porch. This is the face I see peering through the daylight windows on some nights late in the evening.
I painted this a few years ago and the title is "Night Moves"
All this social distancing, cancelling of events and staying at home is agreeing with me so well that I have never been better. In all honesty, living in a bubble has been a kind of lifelong dream.
I want to credit this painting to George Innes, but I am not sure and could not find info.