Wendy Jones
Fine art is the head and the heart and the hand together

The Rebellious Curator

(posted on 11 May 2021)

Going through an old journal, I came across some of my early blog posts, and I wanted to share a few of them.


Blog #1


A Small Introduction


I've always had humble aspirations as a painter. I didn't become an artist to make any money. I just had something to say and the best way to expel that was through the visual form. I struggle with self-doubt and over-thinking, but I am learning to quiet that, let go and trust my heart to paint what I feel."


The Trees Echo with Laughter o/c


I painted this early on in my journey as an artist and was one of the first paintings I did on a black canvas. I used a limited palette of Prussian blue and sap green with cad yellow and painted this rather quickly in no more than two painting sessions. 

The title came at the very end when I was sitting in front of the canvas with the radio on. Stairway to Heaven started to play and as I listened to the words and stared at the painting, the title just clicked. It was one of those times when I knew the title was right, and to this day, it is one of my favourite paintings.