1.Do you know how to communicate your message or vision in words?
2. Do you have 10-20 recent pieces of art ready to sell?
3. Are the pieces consistent in style?
4. Is your pricing nailed down?
These were the questions I asked myself and others before considering an art show. Now, I look at the same questions and wonder if this line of reasoning is still relevant. Galleries have evolved in the past few years, especially since the pandemic. Brick and mortar galleries are fewer and far between as so many artists are moving online.
Does this change the way we look at solo exhibits or group exhibits?
Does this change the pricing of our work?
How else have things changed for artists? Especially for artists who's work is best viewed in-person, like installation and assemblage.
The art world is changing. We may be turning a corner, and artists are being forced to look at promoting their work differently, or making different kinds of art. Is it time for artists to consider evolving their style and practice to adapt to the coming changes?
What are your thoughts? Do you think things are changing for artists? If so, how are you coping with the change, and how will you adapt?
Please send your thoughts to jones07@telus.net