Wendy Jones
Fine art is the head and the heart and the hand together

The Rebellious Curator


1. I learned first and foremost, that I do my best creative work in isolation.


2. I learned that fewer people in my life seems to work for me.


3. I learned to be careful who I let in, if at all.


4. I learned that my husband really is my best friend.


5. I learned that my cat is my next best friend.


6. I learned that I should strive to be more of a mystery rather than an open book.


7. I learned that bad art is actually good art.


8. I learned that social media is not necessarily good for my art practice.


9. I learned I should make whatever art I feel like making even if it seems lame to everyone else.


10. I learned that I am happier now than I was before the pandemic.